Oct 22 - Your Past is Not Your Future.



Yes, Life gets busy.
Yes, life gets hard.
Yes, life gets distracting.
Yes, life can be chaotic.
Yes, life can be happy.
Yes, life can be amazing.
And yes, life can be exactly what you want it to be.

We are not our past.  Yes, the past happened.  It had to in order to get us to where we are, we need to be, and where we are meant to be going.  Our past life should not define us.  Our past life should not dictate how the rest of our life will be.  Some things are meant to be remembered so we remember how we don’t want to feel, how we don’t want to be treated, how we don’t want to treat others.  Our past life can also make us smile, reminisce, and feel joy.  Your past is not your future.

Be kind to yourself
Dream great dreams
Listen to your heart
Celebrate your strengths
Appreciate your talents
Delight in your own uniqueness
Find time for joy
Give of yourself
Lean into the hard work
Seize new opportunities
Find wonder

Jun 10 - My 3 P’s. . .


A busy month leads up to an amazing end!!! This is the ending to my Busy and Crazy month.

This is the first festival I have ever performed at, and I am also a key note speaker.  What a blessing and I am so thankful for the alignment of friends, stars, faith, trust, and why not. . . a little pixie dust.

Here is a glimpse of what will take place the weekend of June24-26.. .

Accessing Your Goddess-Self: The Power of Thought and Movement

Our thoughts become things. Our things become our reality.  Image or thought is the facilitator of movement.  In this workshop we will learn how to focus one’s mind on solutions instead of analyzing problems through the power of thought and movement.

We as women have a very sacred bond, and a mutual makeup: we are intuitive, sensitive, strong, and powerful beings. Many of us have been taught that some of these gifts are a weakness or excuse. It is time that we work from our hearts, our souls, and get comfortable in our own skin.

Each one of us has our Goddess being and it is individual to us. I will help you find your stretch, your stride, your movement that speaks most to you. Through dance, I have uncovered the ability to share, heal, and create community.  

I invite you to take away from my performance the moments that touch your heart and soul, the moments that may remind you of how special life really is, and the moments that make put a smile on your face. When you are feeling heavy, discouraged, tired, tap into this Goddess energy with your movement, your song, or your special goddess word and bring it back to you!!

My goal: Renewing your sense of YOU – renewing your sense of self!!

Feb 13 - Yummie Mummies. . . Ah, yes.

yummie mummies-WEB

This is what is new and exciting these days!!!

Creating my own classes.  New classes.  New momma opportunities for me and my beautiful babe but for other mommas and their babes to join us in.

It is pretty amazing how much healing a new momma’s body needs after growing that baby inside, after delivering that baby, and then into nurturing the baby, feeding the baby, rocking the baby, and the list goes on.  It is so important to heal from within, to strengthen from within and to love our bodies from within.

This class is geared precisely to those layers and much more.  Working on strengthening the pelvic floor that is one of the most important parts to a woman’s body.  NO JOKE!!! This layer keeps one from peeing their pants, yup, you heard that correctly, it keeps our organs safe and inside our bodies, yup, that’s a true story too, it helps support us on a soul level but also on a sexual level.  So when it is not feeling 100%, all of those SUPER important every day life things are not feeling 100%.  No wonder we might suffer from postpartum depression and other mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks.

So beautiful mommas, please come join us, no matter what your fitness level is and bring your babes with you so they can feel the love and meet new baby friends while you meet new momma friends and share, love, stretch, strengthen, tone, dance, massage and love ourselves and our babies!!!!


Jan 29 - New Momma in the House. . .


Ah yes, the reasonably late new momma post.  Just 4 months behind, although my classes are updated and my new workshops.  So some things are moving along and getting caught up.  What a beautiful journey thus far.  It is almost impossible to put it into words as it is so out of this world.  One wants to be so present in this very important time because babies are only babies for a short time and I want to take every waking second in and just watch my little angel glow and grow.  She truly is a dream come true and I could not have gotten a better support system.  From Daddy, to Doula, to delivery midwife. It was so wonderful from start to finish.  And now we just adjust to all the newness life brings.

Aug 28 - Updated reflections on Momma To Be. . .


Momma to Be. . . .

If you met me a year ago there would be some similarities to who you would be meeting today.  I would definitely not look the same.  Our conversation would be very different.  And for sure I’m mentally and emotionally very different.  Life is ever changing realistically and we can either update along with those changes or get stuck in our old patterns and “ways.” I have always chosen to update.  So here we are well over a year later and this is what I can share to date.

The last 8 months of my life have been all about learning how to LET GO all over again.  And when I say LET GO, it’s more than just one form of letting go.
Mentally: I had to let go of other people’s STUFF.  I have had to learn how to let go of what other’s think.  I have had to learn how to let go of what other people will say or how they will react.  I have had to let go of fear.  And I have had to learn how to let go of something I have known for a good 30 plus years. . . . my body!
As a dancer, dance instructor and pilates instructor, that is something difficult to do, knowing all the “what if’s” that will happen on my insides and outsides.  Books can scare the bejesus out us, and as women we have this concept of what beauty looks like based on a warped sense of reality put out there by magazines, Facebook posts, selfless, and so much more. It is toxic the information that we are spoon fed over time and how it really creeps up on us in such a vulnerable time in our lives.  All of a sudden we have known our bodies for 30 plus years as they are, mine literally has looked the same I feel like forever. . .  we literally only can control the food we put it in this body during pregnancy and hope for the best.  We just pray that we don’t get stretch marks because those won’t look good in our bikinis anymore and our man may get a wandering eye, or our boobs will get saggy after breast feeding and then our perky boobs will be no more and that again may lead our man to a wandering eye.  Even better!!!!! The whole peeing your pants thing. . . WOW.  That is a scary one! Pelvic Floor muscles really get tested during pregnancy.  My scary “ah ha” pelvic floor moment was when I was trying to get away with wearing regular jeans still and I was brushing my teeth.  While I was leaning over the bathroom sink with my just about too tight jeans on and the pressure of the button against my belly and my belly leaning over the edge of the sink I found myself about to cough and there was that moment. . . Uh oh, did I just??? Wait. . . Nope I didn’t I caught it, but that was a close call!!!!
If there is any advice I can give to those who have not carried a baby yet in their beautiful belly work on those muscles WAY BEFORE ever getting pregnant! I’m telling you that will save you in so many ways during pregnancy.  You literally have to learn in a very fast amount of time how to allow yourself to let go of what was and step into the present reality of a changing body, a changing mindset, and a changing heart.
I’m on the biggest journey I have ever been on.  The biggest ADVENTURE as I call it!!!!
From the moment I found out I had the opportunity to be a mother I felt so fortunate.  It is something I have wanted for what feels like forever.  And now it is here.  And you will hear this from EVERYONE: there is no perfect time to have a baby.  Really, there isn’t.  You know when it is right.  And this is right for me, for sure.
There will always be stress: What about my business? What about my job? What about money? What about the cat? What about the insurance, and the next 20 years? Yeah. . . Well. . . . BILLIONS have done it with far less and have done it without books and have done it without a partner and have done it far from “home.”
Home is where the heart is my friends.  My heart is with me, my partner and this baby and that is where our home will be.  For now the physical structure of a house is downtown Vancouver, but the heart that equals home is the group of us. . .
It is so true about the village effect.  It takes a village to raise a child.  Its not just a mom and dad you know.  I was so fortunate to have a village!!! My neighbours, my aunts, uncles, grandmas, cousins, friends, teachers, above all my mom and dad and my sister, but they needed support too and that’s what the village is for.  So as we near the birth of this precious little angel that chose us I find myself being pulled in the direction of where I have felt the village the most.  Although at times the village sometimes feels like it is not in this city at all. . . . .
Coming from Long Island, NY where my family still resides and I have a sister with 2 boys of her own, I feel this huge push to figure out a way to get closer, to get back that way, to make sure we are all a part of this life together, rather than just touching base on the phone once a week or twice a week, where we only physically see each other in person twice a year.  That is clearly not enough.
And then the next fear sinks in. . . . . What will one do for work? medical insurance? working visas? YADA YADA YADA. . . .
Gosh we can make ourselves literally go CRAZY!!!!!
On a daily basis I decide to take a deep breath, have some quiet time, and reflect on how I have gotten through all the other slightly heavy moments in life.  The best way I know how is through movement.  So I dance! I sway.  I rock.  I roll.  I circle my hips through space.  I stretch.  I focus on my insides and feel my way through.  I breathe.  I move.  I unleash.  This beautiful little being inside of me moves with me.  This has by far been so amazing to feel the baby’s movement and how it is similar to mine and how it differs from mine.  What music the baby reacts to and what hands and food.  This little angel is going to be aware and I look forward to watching her intentions, intuition, and dreams develop.  I can only imagine the amount of love that will come as soon as this baby is born.

Aug 07 - Back at it. . . .

Isn’t it always amazing how fast time can go? Well, I have realized I have updated my new blog and failed to come to old reliable for updates.  So today we write about getting back at it.  I’ve been growing this baby over here in my belly and it really is somewhat energy consuming and time consuming.  But to embrace this growth from within is once in a life time.  Even if you have another baby, there is nothing like the first time.  Seriously, to be able to feel something alive inside of you moving around, stretching out, and hiccuping is pretty incredible!! With that said, I plan to be on here more frequently to share thoughts, experiences, and life with you all as work slows down and baby growth speeds up.

Please check regular updates on Dancing Baby Momma Blog as well!!!!



Jun 08 - Dancing Baby Momma to Be.

Momma to Be. . . .

If you met me a year ago there would be some similarities to who you would be meeting today, June 3, 2015.  I would definitely not look the same.  Our conversation would be very different.  And for sure I’m mentally and emotionally very different.

The last 6 months of my life have been all about learning how to LET GO all over again.  And when I say LET GO, it’s more than just one form of letting go.

Mentally: I had to let go of other people’s STUFF.  I have had to learn how to let go of what other’s think.  I have had to learn how to let go of what other people will say or how they will react.  I have had to let go of fear.  And I have had to learn how to let go of something I have known for a good 30 plus years. . . . my body!

I’m on the biggest journey I have ever been on.  The biggest ADVENTURE as I call it!!!!

From the moment I found out I had the opportunity to be a mother I felt so fortunate.  It is something I have wanted for what feels like forever.  And now it is here.  And you will hear this from EVERYONE: there is no perfect time to have a baby.  Really, there isn’t.  You know when it is right.  And this is right for me, for sure.

There will always be stress: What about my business? What about my job? What about money? What about the cat? What about the insurance, and the next 20 years? Yeah. . . Well. . . . BILLIONS have done it with far less and have done it without books and have done it without a partner and have done it far from “home.”

Home is where the heart is my friends.  My heart is with me, my partner and this baby and that is where our home will be.  For now the physical structure of a house is downtown Vancouver, but that is soon to change.  So the physical structure of a house may be in North Vancouver, but the heart that equals home is the group of us. . .

It is so true about the village effect.  It takes a village to raise a child.  Its not just a mom and dad you know.  I was so fortunate to have a village!!! My neighbours, my aunts, uncles, grandmas, cousins, friends, teachers, above all my mom and dad and my sister, but they needed support too and that’s what the village is for.  So as we search for a new structure I find myself being pulled in the direction of where I have felt the village the most.  Although at times the village sometimes feels like it is not in this city at all. . . . . And then the next fear sinks in. . . . . What will one do for work? medical insurance? working visas? YADA YADA YADA. . . .

Gosh we can make ourselves literally go CRAZY!!!!!

So, tonight, I decide to take a deep breath, have some quiet time, and reflect on how I have gotten through all the other slightly heavy moments in life.

Inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth. . . . .


May 25 - 15 Days to Happiness. . . Day 15!!!


It’s easy to focus on problems, what’s going wrong, and the crazy stuff other people do. In fact, we overwhelm ourselves with it, making it nearly impossible to see the good stuff.

Next time something good happens, stop and actually appreciate it. Slow down and savour it. Notice the nuances: the sights, sounds and smells that make the moment amazing. Practice savouring and you’ll be conditioned to notice the things that make you happy and not just the crap that brings you down.


May 22 - 15 Days to Happiness. . . Day 14


Nobody knows everything. Most people simply fake it. In a world that encourages self-sufficiency, most of us avoid being vulnerable at all costs. It’s a manifestation of fear, whether it’s a desire to seem perfect, a fear of abandonment, or the need to be liked.

There’s no weakness in asking for help. Just be sure to ask the right people. Happy people ask the person who has what they want. Your partner, friends, and parents, though convenient, aren’t necessarily the best sources.



May 21 - 15 Days to Happiness. . . Day 13


Most people determine how they’re doing by consciously or unconsciously soliciting other people’s opinions. And since you’re hard-wired to try to impress people, you’re usually trying to please those who can’t be moved.

Other people’s views are not more relevant than your own. It doesn’t matter if they are older, more successful or better educated. Their opinion is simply that: an opinion, nothing more. Happy people decide what’s right for them no matter who disagrees.

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